The end of year 2018 has marked the approval by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of one of the biggest projects of the present day of the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), namely the establishment of the Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences – CAAS. One of the main goals of the project coordinated by the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the CTU in Prague (FNSPE) is to integrate fundamental and oriented research in various scientific disciplines and to create an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research.
The end of 2018 has marked the approval by the Ministry of Educations, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) of one of the biggest present day projects designed by the Czech Technical University (CTU): the establishment of the Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences – CAAS. One of the main objectives of the Project coordinated by the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering is to integrate fundamental and oriented research in various fields of science and to create an excellent environment for interdisciplinary research.
The agreement on funding the Project was confirmed by the Ministry on 17th December 2018. The CAAS Project (Ref.No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16-019/0000778) is co-financed by the European Union. Thus within five years, the European Union shall cover the expenses of the Project, amounting to almost 523 million Kč from the total of a budgeted 553 million Kč, through the Operational Program Research, Development and Education (OP VVV).
“Supported by the Ministry, the Project shall not only contribute to further development of science and research conducted at a the prominent Czech technical university, but due to the CAAS team members being engaged in education at all levels of training, it will also prepare a new generation of specialists for advanced research,“ said Robert Plaga, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports.
The Dean of the FNSPE and CAAS Project Manager, Professor Igor Jex explains,“The CAAS Project will be a major boost for the dynamics of advancing the foundations of natural science at the CTU as a whole, for their orientation towards the latest trends in the world, and for engaging young research scientists, which is an issue of higher education. Due to the research programmes included in the Project, we will be able to offer young scientists more scope for developing their own scientific potential.“
The CAAS Project will lay foundations for developing links between the existing teams from various faculties and partner institutions. The Project will support both excellence in research and inter-programme synergy, and will also be instrumental in updating the research infrastructure, engaging specialists form abroad, and supporting young scientists.
Six CTU faculties and the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) are participating in the Project. The Project team of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) will be responsible for securing cooperation among all the Project partners concerned, including the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering FME), Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), Faculty of Architecture (FA) and the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT).
Comprising nine research programmes (see below), the CAAS Project commenced its activities in 2018.
a) Mathematics, mathematical physics and theoretical research (THEO)
b) Particle and nuclear physics ((PARTPHYS)
c) Detector physics and technoloigy (DETE)
d) Plasma physics (PLASMA)
e) Laser physics and photonics (LASE)
f) Materials sciences and engineering (MATE)
g) Nuclear chemistry (CHEMISTRY)
h) Instrumental radiation analytical methods (IRMA)
i) Applications of nuclear techniques (APPLICATIONS)
Over the course of its life, the Project, designed to terminate in June 2023, may include also further research programs.
The key Project activities are as follows:
a) To support research activities of excellent standard and to improve the output of the Project team.
b) To upgrade and update the research infrastructure with a view to maximising the investigative output of the research team
c) To support and encourage the development of the research team
d) To support internationalization – i. e. uphold international aspects of research, strategic partnership and international cooperation, and to spread knowledge and research results to other countries with a view to maximizing the investigative output of the Project team.
e) To manage the project.