Particle and Nuclear Physics

The Particle Physics group is building on strong research activities in the fields of particle and nuclear physics which are realized by groups at FNSPE and FME. Members of the particle physics group are involved in leading experiments exploring the structure of nuclear matter (ATLAS, ALICE, STAR, CBM, D0) and anti-matter (AEgIS) as well as in the development of detectors for these experiments, future experiments and in theoretical studies concerning structure and properties of matter. The physics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions and particles is studied at the Center for Physics of Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions ( and other experimental and theoretical groups at FNSPE (


The works in the PARTPHYS program will be divided into seven domains (sub-programs):

A) Properties of jets and their modification in QGP (Jana Bielčíková)
B) Production and interactions of heavy flavors (Jaroslav Bielčík) 
C) Photonuclear interactions in ultraperiheral collisions (Jesus Guillermo Contreras Nuno)
D) Phenomenological models of cold nuclear matter effects (Jan Nemčík)
E) Monte-Carlo models of particle production in hadron collisions (Boris Tomášik)
F) Rydberg states of atoms in high energy plasma (Svatopluk Civiš)
G) Language for SCIENCE-ART-PUBLIC communication (Roman Berka)

news from the program

You can download the electronic publication Color Force - a scenic reflection on particle physics. Its text documents the process of the creation of the performance Color Force, which took place at the Archa Theatre (and you can also see the recording online). Both the performance and the publication were created within the framework of the sub-programme Language in Communication between Science, Art and the Public, which is part of the Particle Physics Programme (PARTPHYS). Its main goal is to find a common language between physicists and artists, open to both the professional and the general public. The publication includes the main theses of the authors involved in the realization of an abstract representation of the particle world in the form of a dance performance.
Future research on the upgraded Alice experiment at the LHC will be discussed at the ALICE Upgrade Week conference in Prague, which starts on Monday September 19, 2022 at the Novotný lávka. It will bring together around 100 scientists studying quark-gluon plasmas from around the world. The main representative of the experiment, Luciano Musa, and his successor and upgrade coordinator Marco Van Leeuwen, Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics from the Netherlands, will also visit Prague. "The word upgrade is already in the title of the conference, which foreshadows that we will be dealing mainly with future research on the Alice experiment. The LHC accelerator has been running since November 2010 and Alice has undergone two major upgrades in that time, with a third underway now," says Karel Šafařík from the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) and one of the conference organisers.
What does a neutron star consist of? No one knows exactly yet, but particle physicists are working to find out. In a public lecture, Laura Fabbietti, professor of nuclear physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), will shed light on this endeavour. Register online and you can see the lecture for yourself on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE).
A dance-like visual tribute to quantum physics called Color Force was presented to attendees of the Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences (CAAS) gala assembly at the Ark Theatre. A recording of the performance is now available online. As well as a short clip of the entire afternoon and evening. The programme was introduced by Prof. Igor Jex, Director of CAAS, and Assoc. Jaroslav Bielčík, who is the head of the Particle Physics Research Program (PARTPHYS) within CAAS. One of his outputs is the dance performance of Color Force. It was created within the framework of the Language in Communication between Science, Art and the Public sub-programme led by Roman Berka, Director of the Institute of Intermedia at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague.
The interaction between things and artists has the power to enrich all involved. This is why the PARTPHYS (Particle Physics) research programme of the Centre for Advanced Applied Science (CAAS) project has created a sub-programme Language for Science-Art-Public Communication. The process of preparation of the artefact and other activities within the sub-programme Language for Science-Art-Public Communication is also summarised in an electronic publication, which can be downloaded (pdf in Czech, 13 MB).