Tři nejdůležitější odborné publikace vydané během prvního období (do 31. března 2019). Seznam všech publikací výzkumného programu THEORY vydaných v rámci projektu CAAS najdete v předchozím příspěvku.
Percolated quantum walks with a general shift operator: From trapping to transport
J. Mareš, J. Novotný, and I. Jex
Phys. Rev. A 99, 042129 – Published 30 April 2019
We present an alternative definition of discrete-time coined quantum walks convenient for capturing a rather broad spectrum of a walker’s behavior on arbitrary graphs. It includes and covers both the geometry of possible walker’s positions with interconnecting links and the prescribed rule in which directions the walker will move at each vertex. While the former allows for the analysis of inhomogeneous quantum walks on graphs with vertices of varying degree, the latter offers us to choose, investigate, and compare quantum walks with different shift operators. The synthesis of both key ingredients constitutes a well-suited playground for analyzing percolated quantum walks on a quite general class of graphs. Analytical treatment of the asymptotic behavior of percolated quantum walks is presented and worked out in details for the Grover walk on graphs with maximal degree 3. We find that for these walks with cyclic shift operators, the existence of an edge-3 coloring of the graph allows for nonstationary asymptotic behavior of the walk. For different shift operators, the general structure of localized attractors is investigated, which determines the overall efficiency of a source-to-sink quantum transport across a dynamically changing medium. As a simple nontrivial example of the theory, we treat a single-excitation transport on a percolated cube.
A multicomponent flow model in deformable porous media
Bettina Detmann Pavel Krejčí
First published: 17 January 2019
We propose a model for multicomponent flow of immiscible fluids in a deformable porous medium accounting for capillary hysteresis. Oil, water, and air in the soil pores offer a typical example of a real situation occurring in practice. We state the problem within the formalism of continuum mechanics as a slow diffusion process in Lagrange coordinates. The balance laws for volumes, masses, and momentum lead to a degenerate parabolic PDE system. In the special case of a rigid solid matrix material and three fluid components, we prove under further technical assumptions that the system is mathematically well posed in a small neighborhood of an equilibrium.
Spectral Theory of Infinite Quantum Graphs
Authors and affiliations
Pavel Exner, Aleksey Kostenko, Mark Malamud, Hagen Neidhardt
First Online: 23 October 2018
We investigate quantum graphs with infinitely many vertices and edges without the common restriction on the geometry of the underlying metric graph that there is a positive lower bound on the lengths of its edges. Our central result is a close connection between spectral properties of a quantum graph and the corresponding properties of a certain weighted discrete Laplacian on the underlying discrete graph. Using this connection together with spectral theory of (unbounded) discrete Laplacians on infinite graphs, we prove a number of new results on spectral properties of quantum graphs. Namely, we prove several self-adjointness results including a Gaffney-type theorem. We investigate the problem of lower semiboundedness, prove several spectral estimates (bounds for the bottom of spectra and essential spectra of quantum graphs, CLR-type estimates) and study spectral types.