Plasma physics

This program deals with thermonuclear fusion as a promising dominant source of energy. It combines the efforts of teams of three CTU faculties – FEE, FNSPE, and FME in experimental and theoretical research into hot plasma in which fusion reactions take place. It investigates the acceleration and loss mechanisms of high-energy electrons and ions and their effect on the destruction of reactor core wall material, methods of efficient fusion reactor wall cooling, new methods for optimizing tritium production, testing suitable targets for laser absorption and simulating plasma dynamics.

Reconstruction and improvement of two CTU experimental devices, z-pinch PFZ-200 and the GOLEM tokamak, including diagnostic equipment and the development of methods for use in other domestic (COMPASS, PALS, ELI) and foreign apparatuses are underway.

Potential applications include the development of neutron sources, the development of methods for generation and registration of energetic particles, contributions to the design of a suitable reactor chamber and the testing of resistant materials, gamma radiography and the production of short-lived radioisotopes.


Research activities will be performed in 8 domains/sub-programs:

A) Study of the Z-pinch as a powerful source of multi-MeV ions and neutrons (Daniel Klír)
B) Study of the evolution of organized structures in Z-pinches and their influence on the fast particles acceleration (Pavel Kubeš)
C) Mechanisms of acceleration and loss of energetic electrons, development of new diagnostic methods in tokamak devices (Jan Mlynář)
D) Practical ways of obtaining tritium for first tokamak fusion reactions (Radek Škoda)
E) Thermodynamics of fusion power stations and their cooling systems (Václav Dostál)
F) Sources of energetic particles from laser-plasma interaction, including development and testing of new advanced targets (Jan Pšíkal)
G) Laser-plasma interaction and absorption in inertial confinement fusion targets focused on alternative ignition concepts (Ondřej Klimo)
H) Hydrodynamic simulations of laser plasmas (Richard Liska)



prof. RNDr. Pavel Kubeš, CSc.

news from the program

The Vzlusat-2 cubesat containing, among other things, two detectors developed and finalised at Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE), or the Centre for Applied Physics and Advanced Detection Systems at FNSPE (CAPADS), has been in Earth orbit for more than a year. The CAPADS detectors are also on the Socrat-R satellite, which was launched into orbit in July 2019. The CAAS project also participated in the development of the detectors.
Prof. Igor Jex, Director of the Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences (CAAS), was awarded the CTU Medal of the First Degree in November 2022. He was nominated for the award for his long-term contribution to the scientific and pedagogical development of the university, as well as for his leadership of the CAAS project. Prof. Igor Jex has been working at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU in Prague since 1997, when he returned from a series of post-doctoral fellowships in Japan, Finland and Germany. He has long been giving or has given basic lectures in theoretical physics, thermodynamics and statistical physics at the undergraduate level, and specialized lectures in quantum information and communication and quantum optics at the master's and doctoral levels.
You can download the electronic publication Color Force - a scenic reflection on particle physics. Its text documents the process of the creation of the performance Color Force, which took place at the Archa Theatre (and you can also see the recording online). Both the performance and the publication were created within the framework of the sub-programme Language in Communication between Science, Art and the Public, which is part of the Particle Physics Programme (PARTPHYS). Its main goal is to find a common language between physicists and artists, open to both the professional and the general public. The publication includes the main theses of the authors involved in the realization of an abstract representation of the particle world in the form of a dance performance.
Japanese Ambassador Hideo Suzuki invited Prof. Akiro Furusawa of the University of Tokyo to dinner in Prague, along with scientists and experts in quantum communication and representatives of the Czech government. One of the guests at the Japanese residence was Prof. Igor Jex from the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE). Prof. Akiro Furusawa is a leading Japanese expert in research in the field of quantum optics and quantum computing and ten years ago he collaborated on research with Palacký University in Olomouc. At the University of Tokyo, he heads Furusawa & Endo Labs.
What does a neutron star consist of? No one knows exactly yet, but particle physicists are working to find out. In a public lecture, Laura Fabbietti, professor of nuclear physics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), will shed light on this endeavour. Register online and you can see the lecture for yourself on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE).